Friday, April 10, 2015

Waterbugs Emerge from their Lairs for Upcoming Wildwalk

WEN is participating in the Wild Walk this year, put on by the Roxy Theater as part of their International Wildlife Film Festival. The parade will feature many different creatures from organizations around town. Since we love rivers, WEN has asked volunteers to root around in the waters of their imaginations to find costume ideas in their bug-catching nets!

At each costume building day, books full of detailed bug pictures were provided to assist the inspiration process (and so costumes could be accurate, if one so chose). Deb and I gathered materials that could be useful, and I left out some preliminary drawings of costume parts that could be built with these materials in case people had trouble. After waving their bug nets around all this, volunteers made like caddisflies and brought together their preferred materials into a cohesive bug costume.

Here are some examples of the costume-building process:

I chose to be dragonfly (then I get to wear pretty, colorful wings).

Sean, another WEN volunteer, made some wings as an extra costume for anyone who wanted to participate in the parade but couldn't make it to a costume-building day.

Below are some pictures of volunteer Sara making her water beetle costume and, speaking of caddisflies, Al creating her caddisfly nymph costume.

 Some mini bugs from Sussex Elementary School will be crawling out to join us on the day of the parade, as well as our volunteers' own little waterbugs!

Al making paper sticks.

We've got a couple more sessions left to finish up! Saturday (April 11) we will once again be in the conference center, and will start working on our representation of the river and decorating a small wagon.

Saturday, April 18th is our last day to work on projects, and then the parade is April 19th!

-Cassie, WEN volunteer

Two Sussex students working on their costumes

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